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What Is Virtual Reality (VR)?
Let’s first get a better understanding of VR before diving into machine learning. An interactive virtual reality experience is created through the use of computer technology. With virtual reality, the user is fully involved in the experience instead of looking at traditional screens. Users are involved in a 3D environment and interact with it instead of watching a scene.

How Does VR Work?
Headsets: Virtual reality headsets cover your eyes and show a digital version of the real world.
Motion Sensors: Motion sensors track your movements, so when you move your hands or head, the VR world moves with you.
Controllers: Your virtual reality world will be accessible through special gaming controllers like these.
What Is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) in which computers learn from data to become more intelligent without being programmed with programmable processes. Making a computer a thinker and decision-maker is like teaching it to think and make independent decisions.

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