We talk Technology, Transparency, Saas, CRM & Marketplace.
For USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, Newzealand & Rest of Europe
We connect students with 17+ Banking partners with our fastest AI tool.
For USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia & Rest of Europe
We connect students with 1000+ trusted landlords and vendors based on the requirements.
Specifically for US
Students can try mock interviews and prepare for their US Student VISA Interview with our powered AI tool.
Bank account will help students to Pay Rent & Utility bills, Transfer funds at instance, cuts of all hidden charges.
Globally for all countries
Considering high medical expenses in foreign countries, student will be glad to be covered by health insurance.
Specifically for Canada
Proof of funds which will be released to student during their study abroad journey with interests.
Specifically for Germany
Student can save money and it ideally covers accommodation, Living Expenses and Travel costs.
Globally for all countries
Considering high travel expenses in foreign countries, student will be glad to be covered by travel insurance.
Globally for all countries
Choose from the best network providers and have seemless connections from abroad to india.
Globally for all countries
Transfer money for all your international needs like Tuition Fees, GIC transfers, Blocked accounts etc student discount rates.
Globally for all countries
Students can select and book international flights based on affordable prices, comfortable and easier transit.
@2022 copyrighted by Edument consultancy private limited