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The Hands of God by Judith Martin Alford. A heartwarming collection of short stories that prove God’s graciousness in life. Judith Martin Alford is a pastor and educator with both BS and MS degrees from the University of Georgia and a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary.
The Sad Papaw books are rich in Oklahoma history, all the while, they follow the path of the Harmons that include the experiences the family endured as they settled in Oklahoma on the very first day of statehood.The Sad Papaw books are rich in Oklahoma history, all the while, they follow the path of the Harmons that include the experiences the family endured as they settled in Oklahoma on the very first day of statehood.
Who Am I? I am introspective, but also a very busy Gemini of the Astrological Zodiac and a Rooster of the Chinese Horoscope. I loved school and learning and have continued on an educational path with various degrees in medicine and business plus have books full of management and sales and spiritual certificates - always searching for answers - for something new.