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My special place while growing up was at my maternal grandparents’ home in San Augustine County, Texas. That’s where the name of my book, “Red Dirt and Sand Hill Stories” came from. The little farm was located on what was known as Manor Hill, made of red dirt and big rocks. The red dirt was loved by me and another cousin who could accumulate a great deal of it on our person with practically no effort...
Don Nash Flooring company offers carpet installation in Ham Lake, Minnesota, with durable, high-quality carpets suited for any home type and need. Carpeting is one of the various flooring types that can help level up any floor surface, even those made from wood…

Who Am I? I am introspective, but also a very busy Gemini of the Astrological Zodiac and a Rooster of the Chinese Horoscope. I loved school and learning and have continued on an educational path with various degrees in medicine and business plus have books full of management and sales and spiritual certificates - always searching for answers - for something new.
The Sad Papaw books are rich in Oklahoma history, all the while, they follow the path of the Harmons that include the experiences the family endured as they settled in Oklahoma on the very first day of statehood.The Sad Papaw books are rich in Oklahoma history, all the while, they follow the path of the Harmons that include the experiences the family endured as they settled in Oklahoma on the very first day of statehood.
The Hands of God by Judith Martin Alford. A heartwarming collection of short stories that prove God’s graciousness in life. Judith Martin Alford is a pastor and educator with both BS and MS degrees from the University of Georgia and a Master of Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary.
Hi, I’m Vonne. If you’re visiting me on this site, I’m so happy you stopped by. As an Author and Grief and Life Transformation Coach, I’ve dedicated myself to healing and supporting others in their healing since my daughter’s suicide in 2005, at the age of 22. This was a devastating and traumatic loss for my entire family. For me personally, it ripped my world apart. I lost all sense of who I was.
This unique and earthy tale is reminiscent to William P. Young’s “The Shack”, in that it was written to the authors’ children and that it serves as a parable that there is more to life than glitter and gold and that sometimes, the places where we get lost are exactly where we need to be.
Overcoming Adversity by Nelson Fowlkes. What would you do to rise above unfavorable circumstances? This intriguing question is at the essence of the inspiring book…Overcoming Adversity, Resetting Goals, American Military, Racism, Personal journey, Vietnam war, Healthcare, Empowerment, Christian life, Nelson Fowlkes, FriesenPress, Overcoming Adversity: Resetting Goals, Overcoming Adversity on Adventurous Lifestyle.
The Ladybug And The Bully Frog by Caroleann Rice. The community of friends can't play at the pond because of the bully named Milton the Frog.
Are you looking for a carpet installation company or carpet sale company in Ham Lake, MN? Click to learn more about Don Nash Flooring and our services.
Home to Five Great Novels by Carl R. Brush: 1. The Yellow Rose 2.Bonita 3. You Can't Keep Her 4. The Second Vendetta 5. The Maxwell Vendetta.
Cyberbrain by Benoit Blanchard. The United States government’s plan to eradicate crime. A billionaire doctor’s sinister plot to expand mind control...
Find out more about Mrs. Thomas’ book and visit our book page to see more of her work as she takes you along for the ride. Absolutely riveting, you can’t dare to miss!

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About the Author

Audrey A. Thomas, ESQ.

She is an inspirational speaker, radio show host, lawyer, youth advocate, humanitari
This page gives information about author Ken Powe and his book, Visions and Dreams: Are They Communication from God or Just Us?
The Utgarda Trilogy: The Old Man's Request, The Missing Medium, The Other Realm. The Thule Trilogy: The Hunter in the Shadows, The Worlds I Know by Joab...
Concerned About Mental Illness for Yourself or a Friend? Find the pathway to coping, healing in this book: Bipolar Chronicles: From Crazed to Content by Diana Grippo.
There is nothing more powerful than an idea. Ideas created and now controlled a thought; when a thought is conceived, it is called a concept. Concepts are the material that dreams are made of and they serve as substance for living and interpreting life. Everything humans have made or invented was first preceded by an idea. As a matter of fact, inventions are often called one’s “brain – child.”
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The inspirational book “Hearts-Ease: The Beautiful Truth” by Lynn Roberson is one that every Christian should read. This captivating piece shares a series of anecdotes, revelations, people, and the author’s personal experience that can help the soul-weary in finding inner peace.
ReadersMagnet is a team of self-publishing and digital marketing experts with years of combined experience. We’re readers too and we love books.

Self-Publishing Tips and Blog Articles. ReadersMagnet will guide them through the self-publishing process through expert recommendations, publishing.